Tuesday, April 28, 2009

WIN: Best Friend Lexicons

First, let me preface by noting that due to the recent existence of April 15th and all the world-ending that comes with it in Meghan's office, she will not be posting in the immediate future. You'd be surprised (or likely not) at how borderline-retarded most Americans are when it comes to the tax code. She, understandably, is no longer surprised.

As the weather has taken an unexpected turn for the effing amazing, I've decided to log one of the few WINS I see in my near (and - let's not lie here - distant) future.

Everyone has a best friend. Wait, let me rephrase. Everyone should be mandated by law to have a best friend. At least one. They're great for a lot of things, including but not limited to: drunk dials, drunk texts, picking me up when I am drunk and unsure of my whereabouts and various sober activities too, so I've heard. But whether sloshy or sober, you can always count on them for one thing: new words.

It's come to my attention that Best Friend Lexicons are more common than I originally assumed. I can think of no better way to describe the unique set of words my bff Liz and I have cultivated than pure WINS. Let's take a deeper look.

It is slightly pertinent to mention at this time that I am a linguistics minor. I am only minoring because I cannot major at my university. Plus, you know, I want a job and such. Law school doesn't care about linguistics. I promise. I've looked. Anyway, I study the formation and evolution of language like erryday, so I'm kinda anal-retentive about keeping shit true to form. I digress.


Grawful (adj.) - A compound of "great" and "awful," grawful is an adjective used in specific instances of an event or comment that is arguably awful to anyone witnessing said event or comment but, to people such as Liz or myself, is also just totally great. This word is really only appropriate to use if you're one of those kinds of people who find a mutual friend's ex's porch being shat on one of the most hilariously appropriate events to happen in the early 21st century.

Shitrendous (adj.) - A compound of "shitty" and "horrendous," shitrendous is really pretty self-explanatory. Sure, things can be shitty or horrendous. But those times when all you can do is look at the people around you, shake your head and mutter? Shitrendous.

(adj.) - A compound of "ridiculous" and "awesome," ridiculawesome is an adjective not wholly unlike grawful. In most of our target audience's collective lives, it is rather likely that at least one ridiculawesome moment transpires daily, if not several more than that. Remember that time your cheating whore ex-girlfriend hooked up with your really unattractive ex-friend? Remember how you told said ex-girlfriend, when still dating, that said friend had a mad case of the herp? And she did it anyway, because she's a dumb whore? Ridiculawesome.

I have no doubt that lots of you have your own awesome fabricated words. The beauty of the blog is, I feel, that you can leave comments and discuss with one another. Oh, and also that I can use a fake name so none of my future employers can ever find me. Ever. So I can curse all I want. Because I'm a grown-ass woman, dammit.

Win Factor: 7.9


  1. It's worth noting that "shitrendous" had it's spontaneous genesis in the complete sentence "holy fucknoly that's shitrendous." And I was talking about someone's bangs.

    I am not usually one to get bent out of shape by/even notice bangs. These were a truly special case.

  2. We would have looked at one another, shook our heads simultaneously, and muttered simply - "shitrendous..."
